Becoming Legal: Immigration Law and Mixed-Status Families
LUZ MARÍA GORDILLO is an associate professor and program leader in the Department of Critical Culture, Gender, and Race Studies at Washington State University, Vancouver. She’s the author of Mexican Women and the Other Side of Immigration: Engendering Transnational Ties (2010), and more recently collaborated with Linda Hedenreich in publishing Three Decades of Engendering History: Selected Works of Antonia I. Castañeda (2014). She also co-directed and co-produced the film Antonia: A Chicana Story. Gordillo is currently examining the historical roots of attitudes toward women’s place and relationship toward science and scientific thought and research—in the home, workplace, media, and academic institutions—with an emphasis on women of color. Her next monograph dismantles gender ideologies constructed within scientific- and technologic-oriented fields, which have decreased opportunities for women of color and other women to engage in the production of science and technology.
Luz María Gordillo; Becoming Legal: Immigration Law and Mixed-Status Families. Women, Gender, and Families of Color 1 April 2017; 5 (1): 98–100. doi:
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