American Zion, according to historian Betsy Gaines Quammen in her recent book of that title, is both a place and an idea central to understanding the Bundy family, their brand of ideology, and the actions they took at Bunkerville and the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge less than a decade ago. Quammen's account of the historical, religious, and intellectual contexts in which the Bundys operate is clearly and accessibly written for a general audience unfamiliar with the interior American West and its diverse array of public lands.

Produced by Torrey House Press, a publisher known for works that unapologetically promote environmental activism, American Zion takes seriously the thoughts and rationale of the Bundys but does not hesitate to condemn their actions. Quammen's book sits alongside a growing body of work on the Bundys and public lands by the likes of journalists and scholars such as Peter Walker, Michael J. Makley, James...

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