
The article concerns contemporary Polish literature about post-war migrations caused by the change of the border between Poland and Germany in 1945. The main topic of this article is the literary representation of a post-German city. Selected works by three authors associated with the Lubuskie Land are analyzed. They are: the novels Grünberg [Green town] by Krzysztof Fedorowicz, Stacyjka na wschodzie i zachodzie [The train station in the east and in the west], and Klucze do rzeki [Keys to the river] by Maria Sidorska-Ryczkowska; and a volume of poetry by Janusz Werstler, Ocalone w słowie: Odejście Marii, odejście Anny [Survived in a word: Maria's departure, Anna's departure]. The decision to focus on Lubuskie-themed works has been prompted by a shortage of scholarly studies of the literature of this region in comparison with literary studies on other regions of an area known as the Regained Territories. The interpretation of the images of the post-German city is based mainly on the palimpsest category.

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