Agnieszka Wisła (1887–1980) is a surprisingly little remembered activist. She is mentioned in published works in both Polish and English on the Polish community in America, but beyond that there is practically nothing. The author of this handsome, lavishly illustrated book, originally published in Polish as Agnieszka Wisła i działalność Polek w Ameryce na rzecz ochotników i weteranów Błękitnej Armii in 2015, tells us why she was so important and yet forgotten by focusing on her lifelong devotion to the mission of the volunteer organization she founded. This was, and is, the Auxiliary Corps (later, the Women's Auxiliary Corps) of the Polish Army Veterans Association of America (PAVA, in Polish Stowarzyszenie Weteranów Armii Polskiej w Ameryce, SWAP).

Born into a farm family near Poznań in German-ruled partitioned Poland, Wisła (original name Wizła) grew up in the time of Berlin's effort to suppress the Polish culture by, among other things,...

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