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Issue Cover
Current Issue
Volume 19,
Issue 3
Fall 2024

About the Journal

The Pluralist is a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to advancing the ends of philosophical thought and dialogue in all widely used philosophical methodologies, including non-Western methods and those of traditional cultures. The journal upholds the Socratic dictum of self-knowledge and the love of wisdom as the purpose of philosophy. It seeks to express philosophical insights and concerns humanely and with an eye to literary as well as philosophical excellence, but technical papers are welcome. The Pluralist is a forum for discussion of diverse philosophical standpoints and pluralism's merits. The Pluralist considers high-quality submissions on any philosophical topic written from any philosophical perspective. Articles that defend some type of pluralism, apply a pluralistic perspective to contemporary issues, or take a critical stance against pluralism are encouraged. The Pluralist is the official journal of the Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy. In addition to research articles, The Pluralist also includes highlights from the SAAP annual meeting, Presidential addresses, Founders' addresses, and other Society-related information.

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Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy

Join the Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy

The Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy (SAAP) exists to advance scholarship and teaching in the diverse areas of American Philosophy. Work on figures and issues in American pragmatism, American idealism, American naturalism, American transcendentalism, and process philosophy are encouraged. The society also supports collaborative transactions between these strains of American thought with feminism, indigenous philosophies, African American philosophy, Latin American and Latinx philosophies, post-colonialism, and race theories, to name just a few. Equally important is SAAP’s support of the application of these theories to particular issues, such as injustice, poverty, food, war, animals, and the environment.

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