This elegantly edited volume contains chapters written by eminent scholars of migration, ethnicity, Polish diaspora, American history, Polish history, and world history. The scope is diverse to match the broad and diverse interests of the scholar to whom it is dedicated. Adam Walaszek, who received this tribute from colleagues, and friends, esteemed experts in relevant fields, remains the top historian of migration, ethnicity, and diaspora studies in Poland. Therefore, the high quality and care with which this volume was prepared and edited by his colleagues from the Institute of American Studies and Polish Diaspora at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków is hardly a surprise. Dedicating an edited publication to a senior scholar at the time of their jubilee is a well-established tradition in Poland. The introduction presenting Professor Walszek is as modest, witty and intriguing as he is. The content of the volume is solid, engrossing, and scholarly to match...
Pomiędzy starym a nowym światem. Historia, migracje, etniczność. Tom dedykowany profesorowi Adamowi Walaszkowi
Anna Mazurkiewicz, University of Gdansk (Poland), has published three books on American responses to the Polish elections of 1947 and 1989 and one on the role of political exiles from East Central Europe in American Cold War politics. The latter won the Willi Paul Adams Award for the best book on American history published in a language other than English (Organization of American Historians, 2019). She is also the editor of five volumes resulting from international cooperation/projects, including four in English (published in Germany and UK) and the recipient of numerous research grants and awards by Polish and American institutions, among them Kościuszko Foundation Scholarships and Fulbright Senior Award at the Center for Russian East European and Eurasian Studies at Stanford University. She teaches contemporary history with a special focus on the Cold War, American history, and US foreign policy and offers courses in migration and diaspora studies. Email: [email protected]
Anna Mazurkiewicz; Pomiędzy starym a nowym światem. Historia, migracje, etniczność. Tom dedykowany profesorowi Adamowi Walaszkowi. Polish American Studies 1 October 2024; 81 (2): 106–108. doi:
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