About the Journal
Polish American Studies is the Polish American Historical Association's interdisciplinary, double-blind refereed scholarly journal. The editors welcome scholarship including articles, edited documents, and related materials dealing with all aspects of the history and culture of Poles in the Western Hemisphere. They particularly welcome contributions that place the Polish experience in historical and comparative perspective as part of the larger Polish Diaspora, and by examining its relationship to other ethnic groups. Contributions from any discipline in the humanities and social sciences are welcome.

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About the Polish American Historical Association
The Polish American Historical Association is a non-profit, tax-exempt, interdisciplinary organization devoted to the study of Polish American history and culture. Founded in 1942 as part of the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences in America, PAHA became an autonomous scholarly society in 1948. As an affiliate of the American Historical Association, PAHA promotes research and publication of scholarly materials focused on Polish American history and culture as part of the greater Polish diaspora. PAHA publishes a scholarly peer-reviewed journal, Polish American Studies, and disseminates information about its activities via a newsletter, PAHA News blog, and a Facebook group. Membership is open to all individuals interested in the fields of Polish American history and culture, and immigration studies.