This article addresses driving forces that influence Russian migrant physicians in Finland to stay permanently or return to Russia in post-migration. Despite many studies on Russian migration to Finland, little is known on the topic of highly skilled migration and especially the migration process of healthcare doctors. I argue that a blend of factors incites Russian physicians to stay, and these factors affect both present and future migration prospects. Using a qualitative life-course perspective and grounded on interactive migration theories, this study provides new empirical evidence of why Russian physicians decide to stay permanently in Finland. This study adds new knowledge on an under-researched immigrant group and in a less theorized research area in Finnish scholarship. Different social markers form contingent relationships with multiple objectives and implications in the personal and professional life-course of these migrant professionals, and the strategies they employ are analyzed within the context of a Nordic welfare country that is increasingly adapting policies to attract foreign-born health professionals. The study uses semi-structured interviews to provide empirical findings and evidence. The results inform us about important interactive multi-level factors that meet these migrants' negotiated aspirations and expectations to stay in Finland.