The new mobility paradigm has expanded from geographically related mobility to various forms of sociocultural and intercultural mobility, which are studied through multidisciplinary approaches. This article focuses on the individual experiences of mobility and various embodied border crossings represented in artistic genres and performances in the context of Finland. The theoretical background of the article draws on literature research and cultural anthropology, which both include the discussions initiated by the affective and iconic turn in cultural studies. The affective turn promotes the move from constructionism to the broad framework of new materialism that links critical theory and cultural criticism to bodily matter and matter in general. The iconic turn seeks to acknowledge that artistic and visual cognition of reality is to be understood as equal to scientific forms of representation. People's understanding of the world is based on experiences that have a bodily and material foundation and consist of both individually formed and culturally learned elements. Because artistic genres constitute a specific form of knowledge that has its foundation in (bodily) experiences, this article claims that studying artistic genres in the context of mobility can provide a new understanding and ways of conceptualizing of a mobile subject and mobility experience.