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Issue Cover
Current Issue
Volume 27,
Issue 1
Spring/Summer 2024

About the Journal

The Journal of Finnish Studies, founded in 1997, is an international, scholarly, interdisciplinary journal that brings research about Finnish topics to an English-language audience. The Journal aims to foster a deeper understanding of the rich cultural, historical, social and political heritage of the lands and people that make up the Republic of Finland today, along with Finland’s global impact and relations with other parts of the world, including the wider Nordic region and North America. Readers and authors of the Journal are members of diverse fields such as history, anthropology, folklore, literature, linguistics, political science, sociology, business, and more. Each article brings its own discipline-specific methodologies and theories and is refereed by scholars who are specialists in that discipline, thereby enriching the journal’s coverage.

The Journal welcomes research articles that delve into Finnish culture, history, politics, economy, education, arts, literature, linguistics, folklore, migration, and related subjects. Topics related to Finnish migration to and from North America are welcomed. Discussion of Finnish, Swedish, and Sámi topics are expected to make use of and contribute to scholarship in those languages. Quotations appear in the source’s original language as well as in English translation. The Journal also publishes book reviews of titles relevant to the field of Finnish studies, including works published in Finland.  

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