
The manner in which a person views the universe originates from her/his culture. If someone should be asked of the predominant element found in every culture that has for centuries given people their perspective of the universe, certainly, the answer would be, Religion! The responsibility of generating and preserving the elements of one’s perspective of the universe has rested with religious institutions such as Methodist, Protestant, Seventh-Day Adventist, Roman Catholic, or spiritual leaders such as the Buddha. Whether the element is developed through the teaching of the Holy Bible, Catechism, Vedas, or Koran, people globally, including Garììfuna-speaking people of Central America, have always felt the need beyond themselves for guidance and values to live productive lives. Music, one of the components for becoming a recipient of the title “Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity” for outstanding cultural spaces or forms of expression by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), is integral to Garììnagu. This research explores the songs in contemporary worship services in the Roman Catholic Church in Belize. Additionally, it forms the basis for other denominations to creatively seek viable ways of incorporating Garììfuna music and culture into worship services.

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