Oltre i bordi, a compelling experimental documentary by Italian studies scholar Simone Brioni (Stony Brook University) and independent filmmaker Matteo Sandrini, focuses on a cache of family photographs discovered by chance. Encountered in 2020 by Brioni on a return trip to his hometown of Borgosatollo, located outside of Brescia in Northern Italy, the photographs were originally taken by the filmmaker's distant cousin Giulio Brioni between 1934 and 1936, when he was a military photographer in Italian colonial East Africa. The younger Brioni's discovery of the photographs catalyzed the realization of this film. (He has previously collaborated, with director Elia Moutamid, on another film, Maka, from 2023—a documentary on Cameroonian Italian anthropologist and journalist Geneviève Makaping, the first Black director of a newspaper in Italy; that film, like this one, is a study of contemporary Italy in relation to migration, media, and race politics.) Oltre i bordi is both...
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July 01 2024
Oltre i bordi (Beyond the Frame)
Oltre i bordi (Beyond the Frame)
. By Simone Brioni and Matteo Sandrini. 5e6 Film
, 2023
. 41 minutes. Digital, color.Italian American Review (2024) 14 (2): 202–206.
Tenley Bick; Oltre i bordi (Beyond the Frame). Italian American Review 1 July 2024; 14 (2): 202–206. doi: https://doi.org/10.5406/26902451.14.2.09
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