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1 Biographical information on Dale Morgan is found in Billington (1973);
Walker (1986);
Brooks (1969)
Juanita Brooks (in Walker 1986, 25-29).
2 Morgan correspondence 1939 UHS WP-HRS Gen. Corr. May 1938-June 1939.
An Ogden Standard-Examiner clipping erroneously dated 29 January 1939 (UHS, WPA Clipping File) recounts that the Survey reached a maximum staff of one hundred in October 1939.
3 Kelly and Howe 1937;
Mangione 1983, 68-69.
Brooks 1936;
Howe 1937;
Morgan 1945b;
Ogden Standard-Examiner, 26 June, 8 and 10 July 1936.
4 Mangione 1983, 63;
WP-HRS (B51 F corr 1938-39).
5 Morgan’s letters to Provo mayor Mark Anderson, BYU president Franklin Harris, and Provo Chamber of Commerce secretary Clayton Jenkins, 20 July to 29 November 1940, DMC B1 WPA Corr.
6 Morgan’s letters to Kelly 7 March, 15 March, and 17 April 1939, WP-HRS #B51.
7 Morgan 1942a and 1942b;
Salt Lake Tribune items on 6 July 1936, 10 and 11 July 1937.
When Maurice Howe became state and regional director of the Records Survey in 1936,
Standard-Examiner clippings, HRS-WPA Clippings File, WPA 57-64;
Morgan’s letters to Bernard De Voto, Francis W. Kirkham, and Fawn Brodie, in Walker 1986, 92-101, 145-50, and 174-76.
S. A. Burgess to Dale Morgan, 5 June, 6 July, and 6 August 1942, WPA 57-59, Ut Guide Corr.;
Morgan to Burgess, 1 July 1942, 26 April 1943, and 13 August 1948, in Walker 1986, 34-40, 41-45, and 160-65.
8 Morgan letters reproduced in Walker (1986)
9 Morgan 1943d.
11 Morgan 1943c
Walker 1986, 84-85.
Walker 1986, 123
Morgan 1947b.
12 UHS, WP – HRS B51 Corr 38-39
Tripp 1989.
Anderson, Neis. Desert Saints. University of Chicago Press, 1942.
Billington, Ray A. "Introduction." In The Great Salt Lake, edited by Dale L. Morgan. 1946. Reprint. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1973.
Bowler, Di. "Vardis Fisher Remembered." Idaho Heritage 1 (Fall 1975): 41-42.
Brodie, Fawn McKay. No Man Knows My History. New York: Knopf & Co., 1945.
Brooks, Juanita. Papers. UHS.
---. Letter to Maurice Howe, 19 June 1936. Brooks Papers, UHS.
---. Letter to Dale Morgan, 22 October 1945a. Bancroft 71/161 cl08.
---. Letter to Dale Morgan, 28 December 1945b. Bancroft 71/161 cl08.
---. The Mountain Meadows Massacre. Palo Alto: Stanford University Press, 1950.
---. "Jest a Copyin’ – Word fr Word." Utah Historical Quarterly 37 (Fall 1969): 375-95.
---. Quicksand and Cactus. Salt Lake City: Howe Brothers Publishers, 1982.
Brown, Richard Maxwell. "The New Regionalism in America, 1970-1981." In Regionalism and the Pacific Northwest, edited by W. J. Robbins, R. J. Frank, and R. E. Ross, 37-96. Corvallis: University of Oregon Press, 1983.
Chamberlin, Ralph V. The University of Utah: A History of Its First Hundred Years 1850 to 1950. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 1960.
Chittick, V. L. O., ed. Northwest Harvest: A Regional Stock-taking. New York: Macmillan Co., 1948.
Cooley, Everett L. Conversations with author, 24 February and 28 March 1989. Notes in author’s possession.
Creer, Leland. The Founding of an Empire. Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1947.
De Voto, Bernard. "The First WPA Guide." The Saturday Review of Literature 15 (27 Feb. 1937): 8.
---. Year of Decision. Boston: Houghton-Mifflin, 1943.
DMC. Dale Morgan Collection, UHS.
Fisher, Vardis. Children of God. New York & London: Harper and Bros., 1939.
Hansen, Klaus. Mormonism and the American Experience. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1980.
Howe, Maurice. Letters to Juanita Brooks, 6 April and 8 November 1937. Brooks Papers, UHS.
Howe, Maurice, and Charles Kelly. Miles Goodyear. Salt Lake City: Western Printing Company, 1937.
Kelly, Charles, ed. The Journals of John D. Lee 1846-47 & 1859. Salt Lake City: Western Printing Company, 1938.
Mangione, Jerre. The Dream and the Deal: The Federal Writers’ Project 1935-1943. 2d pbk. ed. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1983.
McDonald, William. Federal Relief Administration and the Arts. Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1969.
Morgan, Dale L. Letter to Dee Bramwell, 10 March 1939a. UHS B51 F Corr 1938-39.
---. Letters to Maurice Howe, 12 February, 7 March, 15 March, and 5 April 1939b. UHS, WP-HRS.
---. A History of Ogden. Ogden, Utah: Ogden City Commission, 1940.
---. Letter to Juanita Brooks, 12 May 1942. UUML 112.
---. Letter to Juanita Brooks, 16 July 1942a. Brooks Papers. UHS, B-10, Fl:6.
---. Letter to Juanita Brooks, 29 July 1942b. Brooks Papers. UHS, B-10 F1:6.
---. Letter to Juanita Brooks, 27 September 1942c. UUML.
---. Letter to Juanita Brooks, 4 December 1942d. UHS B-103 Fl:6.
---. Letter to Juanita Brooks, 5 December 1942e. UUML.
---. Provo: Pioneer Mormon City. Portland, Or.: Binfords and Mort, 1942e.
---. The Humboldt: Highroad of the West. New York: Farrar and Rinehart, 1943a.
---. Letter to Juanita Brooks, 21 April 1943b. UHS, B-103 F1:6.
---. Letter to Juanita Brooks, 7 July 1943c. Bancroft 71/161 C 108 fd4.
---. Letter to Charles Kelly, 3 November 1943d. UHS, Charles Kelly Collection.
---. Letter to Dean Brimhall, 25 May 1945a. 114, UUML.
---. Letter to Juanita Brooks, 24 March 1945b. Brooks Papers, UHS.
---. Letter to Juanita Brooks, 4 December 1946. UHS, B-103 F1:6.
---. The Great Salt Lake. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill Co., 1947.
---. Letter to Fawn Brodie, 28 April 1947b. Ms. 360, 7:9, UUML.
Mulder, William. "Preface." In Walker 1986, 1-6.
Papanikolas, Helen. Conversation with author, 5 March 1989. Notes in author’s possession.
Peterson, Charles. "Introduction." In The Journals of John D. Lee 1846-47 & 1859, edited by Charles Kelly, vii-xxviii. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 1984.
Shackle, Sandy. Conversation with author, 9 April 1989. Notes in author’s possession.
Squires, J. Radcliffe. Correspondence with Dale Morgan, Winter and Spring 1941. WP-HRS, UHS.
Taber, Ronald W. "Vardis Fisher and the ’Idaho Guide’: Preserving Culture for the New Deal." Pacific Northwest Quarterly 59 (April 1968a): 68-76.
Taber, Ronald W. "Vardis Fisher, March 31, 1895-July 9, 1968." Idaho’s Yesterdays (Fall 1968b): 3-8.
Topping, Gary. Letter to author, 13 February 1989. In author’s possession.
Tripp, George. "Tooele – What Is the Name’s Origin?" Utah Historical Quarterly 57 (Summer 1989): 273-76.
UHS Obit. Obituary Files [clippings file], UHS.
Walker, John Phillip, ed. Dale Morgan on Early Mormonism: Correspondence and a New History. Salt Lake City: Signature Books, 1986.
WPA. UTA Works Progress Administration: Federal Writers’ Project, UHS.
WP-HRS. Writers’ Project – Historical Records Survey Collection, UHS.
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