F. LeRon Shults is professor at the Institute for Global Development and Social Planning at the University of Agder and research professor at the NORCE Center for Modeling Social Systems in Kristiansand, Norway. He has published 20 books and almost 200 scientific articles on topics such as philosophy of science, social simulation, and the cognitive science of religion. His most recent book is Gilles Deleuze and the Atheist Machine: The Achievement of Philosophy (Edinburgh University Press, 2024).

Lisa Landoe Hedrick is Assistant Collegiate Professor in the Social Sciences at the University of Chicago. Her first book, Whitehead and the Pittsburgh School: Preempting the Problem of Intentionality (Lexington 2021), is a historical and philosophical intervention to the problem of mind and world in Analytic Philosophy. More recently, she contributed a chapter to Diversifying the Philosophy of Religion: Critiques, Methods, and Case Studies (Bloomsbury 2023). Her second book project seeks to reconceive...

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