Gary Dorrien teaches at Union Theological Seminary and Columbia University. His many books include Kantian Reason and Hegelian Spirit (Blackwell, 2012), which won the Association of American Publishers’ PROSE Award in 2013, and The New Abolition: W. E. B. Du Bois and the Black Social Gospel (Yale, 2015) which won the Grawemeyer Award in 2017. His most recent book is A Darkly Radiant Vision: The Black Social Gospel in the Shadow of MLK (Yale, 2023).
Natalya A. Cherry is Assistant Professor in Methodist Studies and Theology at Brite Divinity School, on the campus of TCU in Fort Worth, Texas. Rev. Dr. Cherry (BA, Georgetown University; MDiv, Wesley Theological Seminary; PhD, Southern Methodist University) is the author of Believing INTO Christ: Relational Faith and Human Flourishing (Baylor, 2021), an invited chapter of The Routledge Companion to John Wesley [ed. Joe Cunningham and Clive Murray Norris (Routledge, 2023)], and numerous journal articles...