In The Other Black Church: Alternative Christian Movements and the Struggle for Black Freedom, Joseph Tucker Edmonds advances a position that through alternative Christian movements African Americans have historically expanded opportunities for protest and self-actualization. This volume, which also includes revisions from his 2018 journal article in Religions “The Canonical Black Body: Alternative African American Religions and the Disruptive Politics of Sacrality,” arrives as many are again seeking to understand the potential of extra-Christian movements in the fight for justice. Tucker Edmonds's work is inserted within an ongoing sub-field of black religious and theological studies that center the material body for the purpose of framing new possibilities and understandings drawn from black religious experience. His analysis attempts to centralize the active nature of faith-influenced movements that actively foreground the task of black freedom, wholeness, and advancement within social and political engagement.
The monograph situates Tucker Edmonds within the broadening...