The key organizing theme of Rorty and Beyond, edited by Randall Auxier, Eli Kramer, and Krzysztof Piotr Skowroński, is—as the title suggests—to consider what pragmatism and philosophy are and could be in a post-Rorty world. As Auxier puts it in his preface to the volume of 19 papers (including the introduction), “no one can deny that the world we now write in is one in which Rorty defined what pragmatism would be, and what it has become. To write beyond Rorty is to address a world whose idea of pragmatism was formed by his work” (x). And, in his introduction to the volume, Eli Kramer suggests that Rorty is best seen as a “transitional philosophical figure,” one who “heralded and inspired a shift in philosophy from one paradigm to another,” but whose own position is “no longer useful or very threatening” (2). My general aim in this review is...

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