How Can Human Symbols Represent God? A Critique of and Constructive Alternative to Robert C. Neville’s Account of “Indexical” Theological Truth
David Rohr is a PhD candidate at Boston University’s Graduate Division of Religious Studies and editor of Most of David’s research is grounded in the philosophy of Charles Sanders Peirce and involves the constructive application of Peirce’s ideas—especially his theory of signs—to issues in philosophy of biology, mind, and religion. He is currently writing his dissertation on Peirce’s enigmatic 1908 essay, “A Neglected Argument for the Reality of God.”
David Rohr; How Can Human Symbols Represent God? A Critique of and Constructive Alternative to Robert C. Neville’s Account of “Indexical” Theological Truth. American Journal of Theology & Philosophy 1 May 2019; 40 (2): 73–97. doi:
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