Does Naturalism Make Room for Teleology? The Case of Donald Crosby and Thomas Nagel
Mikael Leidenhag is a Research Fellow in Theology and Science at the University of Edinburgh. He obtained his PhD at the University of Uppsala. His current research area is on the relationship between natural teleology and Christian eschatology. Some of his more recent publications are “From Emergence Theory to Panpsychism: A Philosophical Evaluation of Nancey Murphy’s Non-Reductive Physicalism” (Sophia: International Journal of Philosophy and Traditions [2016], “The Mysterianism of Owen Flanagan’s Normative Mind Science” (Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science [2018]), “Religious Naturalism: The Current Debate” (Philosophy Compass [2018]), and Naturalizing God? A Critical Evaluation of Religious Naturalism (forthcoming with State University of New York Press).
Mikael Leidenhag; Does Naturalism Make Room for Teleology? The Case of Donald Crosby and Thomas Nagel. American Journal of Theology & Philosophy 1 January 2019; 40 (1): 5–19. doi:
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