Processing Contingency with Theology: A Defense of Whitehead’s Pragmatism
Lisa Landoe Hedrick is a PhD candidate in theology at the University of Chicago Divinity School, where she holds the 2018–2019 Provost Dissertation Fellowship. Her dissertation addresses the problem of intentionality in analytic philosophy of mind by deploying a Whiteheadian critique of the tacit metaphysical assumptions upon which intentionality continues to seem problematic. In addition to analytic philosophy of mind and Whiteheadian philosophy, her research interests include American pragmatism, analytic philosophy of language, the history of method in theological discourse, the philosophy of science, and the metaphysics of democracy.
Lisa Landoe Hedrick; Processing Contingency with Theology: A Defense of Whitehead’s Pragmatism. American Journal of Theology & Philosophy 1 January 2019; 40 (1): 36–53. doi:
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