Is Terrence Deacon’s Metaphysics of Incompleteness Still Incomplete?
Joseph A. Bracken, SJ, professor emeritus of theology at Xavier University in Cincinnati, Ohio, has specialized over the years in linking the metaphysical scheme of Alfred North Whitehead with classical Roman Catholic Church doctrine, the proper relations between religion and science, and the philosophical presuppositions of interreligious dialogue. His latest book publications are Does God Roll Dice? Divine Providence for a World in the Making (Liturgical Press, 2012) and The World in the Trinity: Open-ended Systems in Science and Religion (Fortress Press, 2014).
Joseph Bracken; Is Terrence Deacon’s Metaphysics of Incompleteness Still Incomplete?. American Journal of Theology & Philosophy 1 January 2017; 38 (2-3): 138–151. doi:
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