The use of the perfect in Dan 7:27 has thus far eluded explanation. Each of the various suggestions offered has significant problems. In this study, I propose a new, contextually sound and linguistically informed explanation, arguing that the verb יהיבת (G passive perfect third-person feminine singular) expresses a future, passive state. The contextually determined time reference of the verb is future, and typological evidence strongly suggests that the perfect in the Aramaic of Daniel can have future time reference. Additionally, drawing on crosslinguistic semantic distinctions of passive constructions, I argue that there is a semantic difference between the G passive and Gt stems in the Aramaic of Daniel (and Ezra) and that the G passive stem was used in Dan 7:27 in order to express a passive state. The use of the perfect rather than the imperfect results from the use of the G passive (as opposed to the Gt), because the Gp of √יהב has a limited distribution in the finite verb forms, occurring only in the perfect and never in the imperfect.