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About SBL Press

SBL Press, the official publisher of the Society of Biblical Literature, publishes essential research in biblical studies and related fields. Our publications explore everything from ancient Near Eastern and Greco-Roman texts and archaeology to ancient and contemporary methods and interpretations.

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Society of Biblical Literature

The Society of Biblical Literature (SBL) supports the critical investigation of the Bible. Founded in 1880, the SBL is a member of the American Council of Learned Societies. A simple yet comprehensive statement encompasses the Society’s aspirations: to foster biblical scholarship.

Journal of Biblical Literature

The Journal of Biblical Literature (JBL) is a quarterly periodical that promotes critical and academic biblical scholarship. Bringing the highest level of technical expertise to bear on the canon, cognate literature, and the historical matrix of the Bible, JBL has stood as the flagship journal of biblical studies for more than a century.


Visit our journals web page for access to all our serial publications, including the Journal of Biblical Literature, Review of Biblical Literature, and TC: A Journal of Biblical Textual Criticism.


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