In 1958 Jay Forrester presented DYNAMO, one of the early simulation languages specifically developed for modeling complex dynamic systems, providing the most seminal contribution to understanding the bullwhip phenomenon (see J. Forrester, “Industrial Dynamics: A Major Breakthrough for Decision-makers,” Harvard Business Review 36 [1958]: 37–66). Beside this outcome, Forrester's work is outstanding for a further reason: it sets out the field of supply chain simulation. Since then Forrester's approach, commonly known as system dynamics, has largely contributed to the development and improvement of supply chain analysis. In this book, Francisco Campuzano and Josefa Mula present a practical guide to supply chain modeling and simulation via system dynamics. The book is organized into seven chapters.

Chapters 1–4 focus on theoretical principles of supply chain simulations. Chapter 1 reviews and briefly discusses the features of the simulation approaches used to study the dynamics of supply chains. Four methods are discussed: spreadsheet-based simulation,...

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