Selected Essays on Intermediality by Werner Wolf (1992–2014) presents a valuable and comprehensive contribution to the vibrantly flourishing field of intermediality studies. Covering a wide spectrum of issues in intermediality studies, this volume represents Werner Wolf's scholarship of intermediality. In this book, Wolf not only reinvestigates some theoretical notions concerning intermediality but also proposes new critical concepts through referring to theoretical resources from previous scholarship. Besides, emphasizing the practical application of theories, Wolf conducts compelling case studies by applying various critical approaches and concepts to the transmedial and cross-disciplinary analysis of an impressively wide range of narrative forms involving verbal texts, visual arts, instrumental music, and plastic arts. Especially noteworthy is the way Wolf brings scholarships from a range of disciplines into dialog and synthesizes thoughts and approaches from multiple lines, in which ideas from literary theory and history link up with concepts from narratology, musicology, as well as visual...

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