Below are listed our manuscript reviewers for Style during approximately the last academic year. I want to take this opportunity to thank each of these scholars for the generous use of their time and expertise to help promote Style's reputation for publishing some of the best available literary scholarship and criticism in the humanities. Our scholarly and teaching community is indebted to your hard work and diligence. If I have inadvertently left off anyone's name, please notify me, and I will add it to next year's list. John V. Knapp, editor

Jan Alber, RWTH Aachen, Germany

William Baker, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb

Brian Boyd, University of Auckland, New Zealand

Marco Caracciolo, Freiburg Institute, Academic Advanced Studies, Germany

Athanasia Chalari, Northampton University, UK

Eva von Conzen, Bochum University, Germany

Timothy Crowley, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb

Richard Cureton, University of Michigan

Máire Doyle, University College, Dublin, Ireland

Philip Eubanks, Northern Illinois University,...

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