Monika Fludernik ([email protected]) is professor of English at the University of Freiburg in Germany. Her publications include The Fictions of Language and the Languages of Fiction (1993), Towards a “Natural” Narratology (1996), and An Introduction to Narratology (2009). She has (co-) edited several special issues of journals (on second-person fiction, Style 1994; on metaphor, Poetics Today 1999; on voice, New Literary History 2001; on German narratology, Style 2004). She has also edited a number of collections of essays: Beyond Cognitive Metaphor Theory: Perspectives on Literary Metaphor (2011); Postclassical Narratology: New Essays (with Jan Alber); In the Grip of the Law: Prisons, Trials, and the Space Between (2004, with Greta Olson); Diaspora and Multiculturalism (2003); Hybridity and Postcolonialism (1998). Her essays have appeared, among others, in Anglia, Arial, Diacritics, English Literary History, English Studies, Narrative, New Literary History, Poetica, Semiotica, Style, Textual Practice.
Monika Fludernik; Afterword. Style 1 September 2014; 48 (3): 404–410. doi:
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