SHAW 45.2 (to be published in December 2025) and SHAW 46.2 (to be published in December 2026) will include articles on general topics, as well as book reviews, the Checklist of Shaviana, Notices, and ISS information.

CFP for SHAW 46.1 (June 2026): “Shaw and Ireland: An International Perspective.” In an “interview” in The Evening Sun, 9 December 1911, Bernard Shaw remarked that Ireland “. . . is producing serious men—not merely Irishmen, you understand, for an Irishman is only a parochial man after all, but men in the fullest international as well as the national sense—the wide human sense.” Bernard Shaw considered himself one of those same “international Irishmen” though his native identity and strong connection to his homeland was often overshadowed by his international outlook. Moreover, Shaw’s opposition to violence and abhorrence of nationalism often put him at odds with those fighting for Irish Independence. While Shaw frequently...

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