More and more scholars agree that the posthuman paradigm shift is the decisive cultural development in our times. This shift goes along with an altered self-understanding. While a categorically dualistic ontology concerning our self-understanding has been culturally dominant at least since Plato’s time, since Darwin’s time, this self-understanding has become twisted into a nondualistic ontological framework. Of course, there have been monistic as well as dualistic thinkers during the various stages of our cultural history. However, when the posthuman paradigm shift is mentioned, reference to which ontological understanding is culturally dominant becomes relevant. In this respect, the long-standing dominance of a world view that claims that human beings consist of a material body and an immaterial mind cannot be doubted. Even nowadays the relics of this cultural self-understanding are widely effective. With the posthuman paradigm shift an altered self-understanding has come about.

While the cultural movement away from a categorically...

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