This article contributes to the discussion of love and technology. A key concern about new technologies is that they will change the nature of love and lead to exacerbated forms of social and psychological alienation by facilitating a context where people are more interested in and infatuated with devices than each other. What of situations where the human–technology distinction is not so distinct? The cyborg, a fusion of organism and cybernetic system, expresses such a condition. What does the cyborg reveal and change about our relationships with technologies, other humans, and our selves? Does it transform our assumptions or understandings of love? To introduce a response to this question, I explore eros as a philosophical attitude to love. Although a complex notion (much like the cyborg), eros is associated with pursuits that are comparable to the cyborg. These pursuits are considered via a reading of mythologies of human creation—which are significant in posthumanist reflections—that suggest eros. Both eros and cyborgs are considered here as a way of gaining insight into how we (think about) love and how, if at all, that is changed—or warrants changing—in a technocultural context.