About the Journal
International Journal of Persian Literature is a peer-reviewed journal with a novel focus on Persian poetics, poetry, classical Persian philology, prose, and the literature of Iran and the broader geographical areas. The journal aims to examine how Persian has functioned as literary and cultural language, traversing the geographies of South, West, and Central Asia, including present day India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan,Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, the Caucasus, and Southeast Asia. Published annually, this journal aims to create an international dialogue and forum for Persian literary culture in Iran and these wider geographical areas, while encouraging interdisciplinary interventions. The journal is published in association with the Middle East Centre, St. Antony's College, University of Oxford.

About The Middle East Centre, St. Antony's College
The Middle East Centre of St Antony’s College is the centre for the interdisciplinary study of the modern Middle East in the University of Oxford. Centre Fellows teach and conduct research in the humanities and social sciences with direct reference to the Arab world, Iran, Israel and Turkey, with particular emphasis on the nineteenth century to the present day.