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Book Review|
January 01 2013
Recent Studies in Melodrama
(En-)Gendering a Popular Theatrical Genre: The Roles of Women in Nineteenth-Century British Melodrama
By Tönnies, MerleHeidelberg
: Universitätsverlag Winter
, 2014
. Pp. 365. €40.00 (cloth).Melodramatic Imperial Writing: From the Sepoy Rebellion to Cecil Rhodes
By Hultgren, NeilAthens
: University of Ohio Press
, 2014
. Pp. xi + 259. $59.95 (cloth).Seeing Sarah Bernhardt: Performance and Silent Film
By Duckett, VictoriaUrbana
: University of Illinois Press
, 2015
. Pp. xii + 231. 24 black-and-white illustrations. $95.00 (cloth), $30.00 (paper).
Kristen Guest
Kristen Guest
Kristen Guest is an associate professor of English at the University of Northern British Columbia where she teaches Victorian literature. Her research, which focuses on Victorian popular culture, gender, and animal studies, has appeared in several journals, including Victorian Studies, Victorian Literature and Culture, and the Journal of Victorian Culture. Guest's co-edited collection Equine Cultures: Horses, Human Society and the Discourse of Modernity, 1700-Present is forthcoming from the University of Chicago Press.
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Nineteenth Century Studies (2013) 27 (1): 167–170.
Kristen Guest; Recent Studies in Melodrama. Nineteenth Century Studies 1 January 2013; 27 (1): 167–170. doi:
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