The “Merely Imitative Mood”: British Japonisme and Imperial Mimesis
K. L. H. Wells is an assistant professor of art history at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Her research focuses on the role of applied arts in transcultural exchange, and her book Weaving Modernism: Postwar Tapestry between Paris and New York is forthcoming from Yale University Press in 2019. Wells is also the author of “Serpentine Sideboards, Hogarth's Analysis, and the Beautiful Self” in Eighteenth Century Studies; “Rockefeller's Guernica and the Collection of Modern Copies” in Journal of the History of Collections; and “Laboring Under Globalization: Tapestries by Contemporary Artists,” which is forthcoming in Art Journal.
K. L. H. Wells; The “Merely Imitative Mood”: British Japonisme and Imperial Mimesis. Nineteenth Century Studies 1 January 2013; 27 (1): 143–166. doi:
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