Noriko M. Akatsuka

March 17, 1937–October 17, 2016

Noriko Akatsuka was a true pioneer in Japanese and Korean linguistics. Her passion for and commitment to these fields were palpable, and they emerged glowingly in every ounce of her being, her writing, her teaching, and her conference talks. She seamlessly interlaced linguistics with language pedagogy and laid the foundation that inspired language pedagogues to look to linguistics and linguists to pedagogues for insights from one to inform the other. Her linguistics work and her passion to uncover systematic links between language, affect, logic, and the human mind have helped establish the foundation for today's work in functional, discourse-based, and cognitive linguistics.

Professor Akatsuka's interest in Korean and Korean linguistics began in the early 1990s, as she expanded her investigations into the interconnections between language, logic, affect, and the human mind. Throughout those earliest years, she assiduously studied the language on her...

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