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Issue Cover
Current Issue
Volume 12,
Issue 3
August 2024

About the Journal

Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology and Heritage Studies (JEMAHS) is a peer-reviewed journal devoted to traditional, anthropological, social, and applied archaeologies of the Eastern Mediterranean, encompassing both prehistoric and historic periods. The journal’s geographic range spans three continents and brings together, as no academic periodical has done before, the archaeologies of Greece and the Aegean, Anatolia, the Levant, Cyprus, Egypt, and North Africa. As the publication is not identified with any particular archaeological discipline, the editors invite articles from all varieties of professionals who work on the past cultures of the modern countries bordering the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Similarly, a broad range of topics are covered, including, but by no means limited to: Excavation and survey field results; Landscape archaeology and GIS; Underwater archaeology; Archaeological sciences and archaeometry; Material culture studies; Ethnoarchaeology; Social archaeology; Conservation and heritage studies; Cultural heritage management; Sustainable tourism development; and New technologies/virtual reality. Appearing four times a year in February, May, August, and November, the journal engages with professionals and scholars of archaeology and heritage studies as well as non-practitioners and students, both graduate and undergraduate. In addition to combining traditional and theoretical archaeological data and interpretation, articles may range from early to prehistory to recent historical time periods. It also aims to publish accessible, jargon-free, readable, color-illustrated articles that will be informative for professional and non-professional readers. The journal does not publish unprovenanced artifacts purchased on the antiquities market or objects from private collections.

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