Digital Narrative Spaces: An Interdisciplinary Examination is an insightful, comprehensive collection edited by Daniel Punday and introduced by Marie-Laure Ryan. This collection of texts approaches digital narrative as a complex spatial phenomenon. In the front matter, Punday specifically explains before the onset of the introduction that the collection aims to “explore the relationship between story and space.” Once the general aim of the text has been established, Ryan uses the introduction as an opportunity to break down the four major ways a reader might interpret the “space” of a text. These Ryan makes out to be the spatial form of text and its interconnected meaning, the literal space occupied by the text on the page, the “spatial context” or the relationship between the place referred to in the text and space where the text itself might be accessed and, finally, the “mimetic space” of the text (1). This fourth interpretation,...
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Book Review|
November 01 2022
A Review of Digital Narrative Spaces: An Interdisciplinary Examination
A Review of Digital Narrative Spaces: An Interdisciplinary Examination
. Edited by Daniel Punday. New York
: Routledge
, 2021
. 186 pp. $31.16 Paper; $128 Hardcover. ISBN: 9780367514433, 9780367514440.
Holly Eva Allen
Holly Eva Allen
HOLLY EVA ALLEN has undergraduate degrees in English and linguistics from the University of California and is pursuing a graduate degree in English with Claremont Graduate University. Her concentration is American studies, and she takes special interest in women’s literature, queer theory, and postmodernism.
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Interdisciplinary Literary Studies (2022) 24 (4): 605–607.
Holly Eva Allen; A Review of Digital Narrative Spaces: An Interdisciplinary Examination. Interdisciplinary Literary Studies 1 November 2022; 24 (4): 605–607. doi:
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