The studies from Xth and XIth centuries are based almost exclusively on archaeological findings and particularly the study of cemeteries. Plate finger rings were decorated with various geometrical, vegetable or zoomorphic. A variant of the ring finger is oval or circular plaque, carved with a pentagram. Pentagram ring is considered one of the most popular jewelery from Byzantine cultural area in the second half of the tenth century and the first half of the eleventh century. Rings with this setting occur discoveries in Bulgaria, Dalmatia, Hungary and Slovakia. P. Gatev placed pentagram rings in type II-1 and it dates from the tenth century and the first half of the following. G. Atanasov and V. Grigorov said that pentagram rings (type III) are quite common in old Bulgarian culture. Pentagram is required after the fourth century as one of the main Christian symbols. Is defined as an expression of geometric notion of man-four angles representing limbs and a head. At Odartsi in grave 286 was discovered a skeleton of a child with pit board and covered with lithic material. Inventory: left hand, ring pentagram (type IX A), occurs in association with ring loop, buttons with vertical splice. Elliptical plate playing a circle which is a pentagram surrounded by dots. On both sides of the ring is two stars.