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Issue Cover
Current Issue
Volume 11,
Issue 1
May 2024

About the Journal

Hiperboreea focuses on the study of Southeastern Europe, broadly defined as the states situated in the Balkan region. The journal is published biannually by the Balkan History Association. Without limiting its scope to a specific historical period or approach, Hiperboreea covers a wide range of topics, such as Cultural History, Political History, Military History, Social History, Economic History and Archaeology, and encourages work on any historical period and interdisciplinary background.

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Balkan History Association

Join the Balkan History Association

The Balkan History Association (BHA), a non-profit, apolitical, and independent organization that aims to develop and promote at both national and international levels the interdisciplinary and comparative study of the Balkan region, and, more generally, of Southeast Europe. The main fields of interest include, but are not restricted to, various sub-disciplines of history—political, cultural, military, economic, urban, literary, oral, or the history of science communication, art history, history of religions, and archaeology. The objectives of the association are to facilitate the formation of a community of scholars specialized in the study of the region, as well as to engage in the formation and professional development of their younger peers. BHA promotes the scientific approach in the study of the history, culture, and archaeology of the Balkans. BHA aims to contribute to a better understanding of the communities in the area, and their shared cultural heritage. Finally, BHA sees the Balkans as intrinsically linked to the larger European cultural space, and opposes its study in isolation.

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