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Issue Cover
Current Issue
Volume 7
June 2023

About the Journal

The Harold Pinter Review: Essays on Contemporary Drama is the official academic journal of the International Harold Pinter Society. The Review is dedicated to publishing peer-reviewed essays, reviews, interviews, and discussions of the work of Harold Pinter and other contemporary dramatists and their contributions to various art forms. Readership includes academic researchers, theatre professionals, cultural critics, and theatre enthusiasts.

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International Harold Pinter Society

Join the International Harold Pinter Society

An international organization whose members join in the exploration of Harold Pinter’s life and works by means of historical and critical writing, artistic performances on stage, film, television, radio, and recordings, by the amassing of historical documentation, and by publications devoted to Harold Pinter and his writing, acting, and directing. The subjects of study include the contributions of Harold Pinter and other contemporary dramatists to various art forms.

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