On this 215th anniversary of the birth of Edgar Allan Poe in Boston, I am pleased to report that the Poe Studies Association continues to thrive in its efforts to promote the study of Poe and his pervasive influence worldwide. Central to these efforts are our members who are active scholars, teachers, and artists from over sixteen different countries, our international conferences and annual PSA-sponsored sessions at the ALA and MLA, our journal, The Edgar Allan Poe Review, our official website, our member-driven initiatives, such as the PSA Online Fora and POECast, and our many friends and supporters. I am honored to belong to this active, healthy, and mutually supportive association of scholars committed to its worthy mission.

In 2023, the PSA executive committee—with the support of the membership—named three new Honorary Members of the Poe Studies Association in recognition of their sustained and significant contributions to Poe studies...

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