Any researcher of the Old Testament, whether Hebraist, theologian, or Bible scholar, would find Jože Krašovec’s recent book a welcome addition to his or her reading list. God’s Righteousness and Justice in the Old Testament is the culmination of thirty-six years of research on the righteousness and justice of God. This work is not limited to an analysis of the semantics of ṣdq. Conversely, Krašovec employs a variety of methods including, but not limited to, linguistic, semantic, literary, intertextual, and comparative investigations. All these ultimately contribute to a thorough canonical understanding of his subject. Via such an exhaustive approach, the author attempts to address some of the tough theological tensions that arise in the text related to righteousness and justice.

God’s Righteousness and Justice is divided into two primary parts. The first half of the book is a semantic and literary analysis of ṣdq. Krašovec starts this study...

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