Although there have been several studies on the linguistic features of the Christ Hymn in Col 1:15–20, they rarely start with the “clauses” or investigate how messages are conveyed in the clauses in this hymn. This article will adopt Michael A. K. Halliday’s systemic functional system of theme and rheme, particularly his perception of the clause as message, to gain insights into the ways in which information is managed into categories of given and new at the clause level, and thereby accomplishing rhetorical purposes in the Christ Hymn. This article will seek to demonstrate how Paul intimates point of view by employing the linguistic device of “thematization” to foreground “the Son” to be the chief topic of the Christ Hymn and thereby underline his universal Lordship. The result of this thematic analysis will underline the textual cohesion of the Christ Hymn and lend support to the view that this hymn comprises the two stanzas in vv. 15–18a and vv. 18b–20.