In this issue of the Bulletin for Biblical Research, we highlight the recent work of Dale C. Allison Jr., The Resurrection of Jesus: Apologetics, Polemics, History (London: T&T Clark, 2021). In the book, Allison returns to the ancient sources and early traditions to chart the development of faith in the resurrection. Beginning with critical methodology regarding the empty tomb and early confessions, he moves on to consider parallel traditions and stories and then presents his own considerations and reflections engaging with both “apologetic” and skeptical viewpoints.

Four scholars offer essay-length reviews and engagements with Allison’s work. First, Allison briefly opens the discussion by summarizing and reflecting on his recent work. After the review and essays by Eklund, Joseph, Jipp, and Sosa Siliezar, Allison responds to the reviewers.

This collection of essays from and with Allison was edited by former BBR editor Nijay K. Gupta with the help of his...

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