Is the vision of the eschatological banquet on Mount Zion in Isa 25:6–8 an announcement of doom for the nations? Recently, Michael P. Maier has argued that an intertextual interpretation results in understanding the banquet as their last meal. Underlying his reasoning is the fear that the traditional Christian understanding of the vision, as a universal salvation oracle, might lead to supersessionism, the substitution of Israel with the church. He, therefore, tries to give new credibility to a particular Jewish interpretive tradition dating back to the medieval exegetes Rashi, Ibn Ezra, and David Kimḥi. This tradition connects the vision of the eschatological banquet with texts concerning the cup of wrath, from which yhwh let his enemies drink. However, it seems to contradict the flow of the text to restrict its meaning to the rehabilitation of Israel as Maier argues. This article examines Maier’s intertextual reasoning and argues that, on the basis of text and context, it remains valid to understand the vision of the eschatological banquet as a salvation oracle for both Israel and the nations.