
This article discusses three textual issues related to the book of Hosea––(1) Hebrew Vorlage(n) of the book, (2) the nature of translation of LXX Hosea, and (3) the northern dialect influence on the Hebrew text of Hosea––and concludes that MT Hosea is a reliable primary witness for the book of Hosea. First, it argues that 4QXIIc, a Qumran manuscript that some believe to show textual affinity to LXX Hosea, does not substantiate the existence of a Hebrew Vorlage aligned with the LXX. Second, the translation nature of LXX Hosea suggests that the LXX may not be an accurate representation of its Hebrew Vorlage. Third, it demonstrates that recent linguistic studies and a precise reading of Hos 14:10a[9a] suggest that the difficulties of the Hebrew text of Hosea are due to the peculiarities of the prophet’s dialect and to his deliberate employment of an obscure literary style.

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