
Israel's legal material embodies care for nonhuman creatures. In comparison to the Decalogue, the concept of animal Sabbath rest is broadened in motivation, definition, and scope in each of the other sections of law. Exodus 20:8–11 provides the definition of Sabbath rest: animals are to do no work on Sabbath just like humans. Deuteronomy 5:12–15 expands the motivation for the Sabbath: rest for all laborers and domestic animals; deliverance from Egypt and oppression. Leviticus 25:2–7 expands the scope of Sabbath rest: Sabbath food is even for wild animals, and Sabbath rest is also for the land. The paradigm shift of Exod 23:10–12 expands the definition (animal rest is like God's rest), the scope (provision for the disadvantaged/rest for all workers), and motivation (in order that animals and servants may rest) of Sabbath rest. Other biblical passages shed further light on nonhuman Sabbath repose, as well as implying contemporary responsibilities for all humans regarding animal rest and care.

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