
Recent discussions of "rewritten Bible" have largely focused on generic characteristics that might define and hold together usefully a certain body of Jewish literature. But more profitable is a characterization of rewritten Bible that stresses the hermeneutical process that has produced a given "rewriting" of a biblical text. When appreciated, this way of considering rewritten Bible also provides a firmer basis for connecting these documents with Paul's letters and elucidating these letters' hermeneutics. For example, juxtaposing 1 Cor 1:31 and 2 Cor 10:17 with L.A.B. 50:2 and Tg. Neb. Jer 9:22–23 highlights the Corinthian letters' transformation of 1 Kgdms 2:10 and Jer 9:23 (MT, OG; English: v. 24) within the world-restructuring narrative of יהוה's acts in Jesus.

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