Arthur Miller’s The Crucible, the last production of The Classics Theatre Project’s 2023 four-play season and the second to be performed outdoors, superbly met all its unusual challenges. The Taming of the Shrew, the first play, was also an outdoor production; Long Day’s Journey Into Night and The Seagull were presented in the Stone Cottage at the Addison Theatre Centre, location of the WaterTower Theatre, a longtime major theater venue in North Dallas. On its website this “non-profit performing arts organization” proclaims that it has “a mission to produce relevant classics [of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries] to enrich the culture of North Texas.” According to, The Classics Theatre Project’s debut production, Chekhov’s The Cherry Orchard, ran 23 June–14 July in the summer of 2018 (Bothwell). Joey Folsom, managing artistic director, and Gregory Patterson, arts manager, formed the company, which does not have a permanent...

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