Founded in 2012 and dedicated to reinvigorating classic plays in ways that bring audiences into “direct contact with the dangers and delicacies of life,” the Bedlam Theatre Company is highly regarded by many of us who study Miller because of its inspired and insightful production of The Crucible in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and New York in 2019 (see the review by Molly Marino and a symposium from students at Rhode Island’s Moses Brown School in volume 15, number 1, the spring 2020 issue of the Arthur Miller Journal). Bedlam’s Zoom-staged reading of The Price is a worthy successor. The production was part of Bedlam’s “Do More” program, a series of bimonthly readings Bedlam began in June 2020 “to raise funds and awareness for the #BLACKLIVESMATTER movement and associated organizations working toward eliminating race-based discrimination.” By the end of October 2020, the program had raised more than $20,000.

In this Zoom...

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