Acclaimed actor Hal Holbrook passed away on January 23, 2021. Among his extensive stage, screen, and television credits, he is best known for his one-man show embodying Mark Twain. Holbrook holds a significant place in the production history of Arthur Miller's work. He was a member of the actor's group that comprised the inaugural Lincoln Center Repertory Company in 1964.
He played Harley Barnes in After the Fall and originated the role of the Major in Incident at Vichy. In 1996, he went on a seven-city US tour starring as Willy Loman in Death of a Salesman with Elizabeth Franz as Linda, a production that was directed by Gerald Freeman.
When the Arthur Miller Society was formed in 1995, Holbrook graciously accepted an invitation to join the honorary board.
If Broadway were not shut down because of the pandemic, the theater lights would dim for this great actor.